Ecosystem: Comes from the Grek word OIKOS which means home and system.
- A community together with its nonliving surroundings.
- Interaction of
biotic and
abiotic factors.
Abiotic factors: Nonliving components.
There are two kinds of abiotic factors:
- Physical: sunlight and shade, amount of precipitation, altitude and latitude, nature of soil and wind.
- Chemical: salinity of water, level of dissolved O2 and other gases, level of plant nutrients, pH of solid and water and level of natural and artifitial toxic substances.
Biotic factors: Living components in an ecosystem.
- Autotrophs: photoautotrophic and chemoautotrophic.
Photoautotrophs: has clorophyll and carry on photosyntesis.
Chemoatotrophs: bacteria that obtain energy from the oxidation of inorganic compounds.
- Need a source of pre formed nutrients
- consume tissues of the other organisms
- consumers are classified according to the type of food they eat